Our Services

Behavioral Economics & Psychology

When the internet offers information at the click of a mouse, what’s the point of education and pedagogy? How can a teacher foster the potential of children, promote their socialisation at school and in society, while also approaching them individually?


Schola empirica

When the internet offers information at the click of a mouse, what’s the point of education and pedagogy? How can a teacher foster the potential of children, promote their socialisation at school and in society, while also approaching them individually?


June 29th - July 6th, 2024


EUR 890 (incl. accomm., half board and coffee breaks)


Schola empirica

Crime Law & Psychology

What is the main objective of studying subjects such as eyewitness memory, false memories, eyewitness and recovered memories, identification evidence in relation to the legal process?


June 29th - July 6th, 2024


EUR 890 (incl. accomm., half board and coffee breaks)


Schola empirica

Get a multidisciplinary perspective on development in a globally interdependent world. How real-world case studies related to economic, social, and environmental challenges can be analysed in connection to development? 


June 29th - July 6th, 2024


EUR 890 (incl. accomm., half board and coffee breaks)


Schola empirica

Education: The Future of Schools

How do emotions, social influences, and cognitive biases impact decision-making? What role does the environment play in shaping human behavior, and how does it relate to economic decision-making? How can psychological insights into human behavior explain economic decision-making? 


June 29th - July 6th, 2024


EUR 890 (incl. accomm., half board and coffee breaks)

And even more...

Project Management

We nulla iaculis offer risus justo ulputate complete donec placerat ulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerat metus erat risus justo ulputate dolor amet ulputate complete amet.

Creative Services

We offer complete donec placerat eu creative volutpat donec placerat metus erat vulputate nulla iaculis eu. Class litora torquent iaculis eu creative.


Placerat metus erat, conubia nostra, per inceptos vulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerac imperdiet risus justo ulputate volutpat donec placerat.

Digital Security

Donec placerat metus erat, conubia nostra, per inceptos vulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerat metus erat, conubia nostra dolor ipsum.

Cloud Services

We offer vulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerat metus erat vulputate nulla iaculis eu. Class litora torquent! Donec imperdiet creative volutpat donec placerat met.

Website Audit

Nam egestas euismod nulla ultrices tincidunt nostra, per inceptos vulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerat.
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